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E.g., Wessler, regeneration, PubMed ID 17578919.

expand all sections collapse all sections  Reference "Genetic bases of appearance quality of rice grains in Shanyou 63, an elite rice hybrid"
Reference ID 7897
Title Genetic bases of appearance quality of rice grains in Shanyou 63, an elite rice hybrid
Source Theoretical and applied genetics, 2000, vol. 101, pp. 823-829
Authors (6)
Abstract Appearance quality of the rice grain represents a major problem of rice
production in many rice-producing areas of the world, especially in hybrid rice
production in China. In this study, we conducted a molecular marker-based
genetic analysis of the traits that are determinants of the appearance quality
of rice grains, including traits specifying grain shape and endosperm opacity.
The materials used in the analysis included an F2:3 population and an F10
recombinant inbred line population from a cross between the parents of Shanyou
63, the most widely grown rice hybrid in China. Molecular marker-based QTL
(quantitative trait locus) analyses revealed that grain length and grain width
were each controlled by a major QTL accounting for a very large proportion of
the genetic variation, plus one or two minor QTLs each explaining a small
proportion of the genetic variation. The major QTLs can be detected in both the
F2:3 and recombinant inbred line population using both paddy rice and brown
rice, whereas the minor QTLs were detected only occasionally. The QTL located in
the interval of RG393-C1087 on chromosome 3 is the major locus for grain length,
and the one in the interval RG360-C734a on chromosome 5 plays a major role in
determining grain width. Similarly, white belly, which largely determines the
opacity of the endosperm, is almost entirely controlled by a major locus on
chromosome 5, located in the same genomic region as the major QTL for grain
width. The implications of the results with respect to hybrid rice improvement
were discussed.

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