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E.g., Wessler, regeneration, PubMed ID 17578919.

expand all sections collapse all sections  Reference "Molecular characterization of four rice genes encoding ethylene-responsive transcriptional factors and their expressions in response to biotic and abiotic stress"
Reference ID 11026
Title Molecular characterization of four rice genes encoding ethylene-responsive transcriptional factors and their expressions in response to biotic and abiotic stress
Source J Plant Physiol, 2006, vol. , pp. -
Authors (4)
Abstract We isolated and identified four rice genes, OsBIERF1 to OsBIERF4 (Oryza sativa
benzothiadiazole (BTH)-induced ethylene responsive transcriptional factors
(ERF)) and analyzed their expressions in rice disease resistance response and
under various abiotic stress conditions. The OsBIERF1-4 proteins contain
conserved ERF domains, but are categorized into different classes of the
previously characterized ERF proteins based on their structural organizations.
OsBIERF3 and OsBIERF2 belong to Classes I and II, respectively; while OsBIRERF1
and OsBIERF4 are members of Class IV. OsBIERF3 could bind specifically to the
GCC box sequence and was targeted to nucleus when transiently expressed in onion
epidermis cells. Expression of OsBIERF1, OsBIERF3 and OsBIERF4 was induced by
treatments with BTH and salicylic acid, chemical inducers capable of inducing
disease resistance response in rice. In the BTH-treated rice seedlings,
expression of OsBIERF1, OsBIERF3 and OsBIERF4 was further induced by infection
with Magnaporthe grisea, the rice blast fungus, as compared with those in water-
treated seedlings. OsBIERF1 and OsBIERF3 were activated in an incompatible
interaction but not in compatible interaction between rice and M. grisea.
Moreover, OsBIERF1, OsBIERF3 and OsBIERF4 were also up-regulated by salt, cold,
drought and wounding. These results suggest that OsBIERF proteins may
participate in different signaling pathways that mediate disease resistance
response and stress responses to abiotic factors.

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