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expand all sections collapse all sections  cellular_component Term "proton-transporting ATP synthase complex" (GO:0045259)
Term Name proton-transporting ATP synthase complex
Term Accession GO:0045259
Aspect cellular_component
Synonyms (4) GO:0045255, hydrogen-translocating F-type ATPase complex, hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase complex, proton-transporting F-type ATPase complex
Definition A proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex that catalyzes the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP during oxidative phosphorylation. The complex comprises a membrane sector (F0) that carries out proton transport and a cytoplasmic compartment sector (F1) that catalyzes ATP synthesis by a rotational mechanism; the extramembrane sector (containing 3 a and 3 b subunits) is connected via the d-subunit to the membrane sector by several smaller subunits. Within this complex, the g and e subunits and the 9-12 c subunits rotate by consecutive 120 degree angles and perform parts of ATP synthesis. This movement is driven by the hydrogen ion electrochemical potential gradient.
Comment None
Source Ontology Database The GO browser of Gene Ontology Database
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