expand all sections collapse all sections  FAQ
toggle section  FAQ
expand all sections collapse all sections  FAQ
toggle section  Gramene Program
toggle section  Data Curation
toggle section  Maps and CMap
toggle section  BLAST
toggle section  Proteins
toggle section  Ontologies
expand all sections collapse all sections  Ontologies
toggle section  What is an ontology and why do we need it?
toggle section  Is there a tutorial or help section on how to use the Ontologies database?
toggle section  What types of ontologies does the Gramene database use?
toggle section  Who develops these ontologies and can I participate in their development?
toggle section  Can I suggest a new term to be included in an ontology?
toggle section  Can I use Gramene's ontologies for use in the curation of my own data sets?
toggle section  How can I get a list of all the proteins or genes associated to a given ontology term in Gramene?
toggle section  What is the GO/GRO/TO number after a given ontology term?
toggle section  What is the number after the # sign found in an ontology term's derivation or tree?
toggle section  What do [i] and [p] stand for in a term's derivation or tree?
toggle section  What does a "+" symbol next to a given ontology term imply?
toggle section  Can I download any of the ontology data?
toggle section  Is there any data including locus name and GO allowed to download?
toggle section  Where in the current trait ontology I could find wheat quality trait / rheological trait?
toggle section  I have a genelist from barley and would like to compare it to the H. vulgare gene ontology lists. Is there a way to do that?
toggle section  Can I use the ontology term files provided on your website? How do I obtain a license agreement?
toggle section  Genomes
toggle section  Markers
toggle section  QTL
toggle section  Genes
toggle section  Literature
toggle section  Diversity
toggle section  GrameneMart
toggle section  Pathways
toggle section  Glossary
toggle section  Help Documents
toggle section  Tutorials and Exercises
toggle section  Gramene Documentation