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E.g., flower or TO:0000303.
E.g., d1 or waxy.

expand all sections collapse all sections  cellular_component Term "ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex" (GO:0043190)
Term Name ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex
Term Accession GO:0043190
Aspect cellular_component
Synonyms (7) ABC-type efflux permease complex, ABC-type efflux porter complex, ABC-type uptake permease complex, ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex, GO:0043191, GO:0043192, mating pheromone exporter
Definition A complex for the transport of metabolites into and out of the cell, typically comprised of four domains; two membrane-associated domains and two ATP-binding domains at the intracellular face of the membrane, that form a central pore through the plasma membrane. Each of the four core domains may be encoded as a separate polypeptide or the domains can be fused in any one of a number of ways into multidomain polypeptides. In Bacteria and Archaebacteria, ABC transporters also include substrate binding proteins to bind substrate external to the cytoplasm and deliver it to the transporter.
Comment None
Source Ontology Database The GO browser of Gene Ontology Database
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