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expand all sections collapse all sections  biological_process Term "macroautophagy" (GO:0016236)
Term Name macroautophagy
Term Accession GO:0016236
Aspect biological_process
Synonyms (4) autophagy in response to cellular starvation, GO:0034262, non-specific autophagy, starvation-induced autophagy
Definition The major inducible pathway for the general turnover of cytoplasmic constituents in eukaryotic cells, it is also responsible for the degradation of active cytoplasmic enzymes and organelles during nutrient starvation. Macroautophagy involves the formation of double-membrane-bounded autophagosomes which enclose the cytoplasmic constituent targeted for degradation in a membrane-bounded structure, which then fuse with the lysosome (or vacuole) releasing a single-membrane-bounded autophagic bodies which are then degraded within the lysosome (or vacuole). Though once thought to be a purely non-selective process, it appears that some types of macroautophagy, e.g. macropexophagy, macromitophagy, may involve selective targeting of the targets to be degraded.
Comment None
Source Ontology Database The GO browser of Gene Ontology Database
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