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expand all sections collapse all sections  biological_process Term "DNA-dependent transcription, initiation" (GO:0006352)
Term Name DNA-dependent transcription, initiation
Term Accession GO:0006352
Aspect biological_process
Synonyms (5) DNA-dependent RNA polymerase complex assembly at promoter, initiation of DNA-dependent transcription, initiation of transcription, DNA-dependent, transcription initiation factor activity, transcription initiation, DNA-dependent
Definition Any process involved in the assembly of the RNA polymerase preinitiation complex (PIC) at the core promoter region of a DNA template, resulting in the subsequent synthesis of RNA from that promoter. The initiation phase includes PIC assembly and the formation of the first few bonds in the RNA chain, including abortive initiation, which occurs when the first few nucleotides are repeatedly synthesized and then released. The initiation phase ends just before and does not include promoter clearance, or release, which is the transition between the initiation and elongation phases of transcription.
Comment None
Source Ontology Database The GO browser of Gene Ontology Database
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