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expand all sections collapse all sections  GAZ Term "River Danube" (GAZ:00042214)
Term Name River Danube
Term Accession GAZ:00042214
Aspect GAZ
Synonyms (8) Donau {language: German}, Duna {language: Hungarian}, Dunai {language: Ukrainian}, Dunaj {language: Slovak}, Dunarea {language Romanian}, Dunav {language: Bulgarian}, Dunav {language: Croatian}, Dunav {language: Serbian}
Definition A river. It originates in the Black Forest in Germany as the much smaller Brigach and Breg rivers which join at the German town of Donaueschingen. After that it is known as the Danube and flows southeastward for a distance of some 2850 km, passing through four Central and Eastern European capitals, before emptying into the Black Sea via the Danube Delta in Romania and Ukraine.
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