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expand all sections collapse all sections  GAZ Term "Chile" (GAZ:00002825)
Term Name Chile
Term Accession GAZ:00002825
Aspect GAZ
Synonyms (2) Republic of Chile, Republica de Chile {language: Spanish}
Definition A country in South America occupying a long and narrow coastal strip wedged between the Andes mountains and the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific forms the country's entire western border, with Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and the Drake Passage at the country's southernmost tip. Chile claims 1,250,000 km2 of territory in Antarctica. Chile is divided into 15 regions. Every region is further divided into provinces. Finally each province is divided into communes. Each region is designated by a name and a Roman numeral, assigned from north to south. The only exception is the region housing the nation's capital, which is designated RM, that stands for Region Metropolitana (Metropolitan Region). Two new regions were created in 2006: Arica-Parinacota in the north, and Los Rios in the south. Both became operative in 2007-10.
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