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E.g., Wessler, regeneration, PubMed ID 17578919.

expand all sections collapse all sections  Reference "Expression characteristics of OS-ACS1 and OS-ACS2, two members of the 1- aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase gene family in rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Habiganj Aman II) during partial submergence"
Reference ID 5242
Title Expression characteristics of OS-ACS1 and OS-ACS2, two members of the 1- aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase gene family in rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Habiganj Aman II) during partial submergence
Source Plant molecular biology, 1997, vol. 33, pp. 71-77
Authors (2)
Abstract Deepwater rice can grow in the regions of Southeast Asia that are flooded during
the monsoon season because it has several adaptations allowing it to survive
under flooded conditions. One such adaptation is the ability for rapid internode
elongation upon partial submergence to maintain its foliage above the rising
flood water levels. Ethylene is considered to be the trigger of this growth
response because deepwater conditions not only trap ethylene in submerged
organs, but also enhance the activity of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC)
synthase. Herein we have studied the expression characteristics of two members
of the five-member multigene family encoding ACC synthase in rice OS-ACS1 and
OS-ACS2 and show that partial submergence induces expression of OS- ACS1 and
suppresses expression of OS-ACS2. The induction of OS-ACS1 occurs within 12 h of
partial submergence and at low oxygen concentrations. The data also suggest that
deepwater conditions posttranscriptionally regulate ACC synthase activity. OS-
ACS1 gene expression may contribute to longer-term ethylene production, but not
to the initial, growth-promoting increase in ethylene synthesis.

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