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E.g., Wessler, regeneration, PubMed ID 17578919.

expand all sections collapse all sections  Reference "The gene encoding a calcium-dependent protein kinase located near the sbe1 gene encoding starch branching enzyme I is specifically expressed in developing rice seeds"
Reference ID 1980
Title The gene encoding a calcium-dependent protein kinase located near the sbe1 gene encoding starch branching enzyme I is specifically expressed in developing rice seeds
Source Gene, 1993, vol. 129, pp. 183-189
Authors (5)
Abstract A gene (spk) encoding a Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase (SPK) is located in the
region immediately upstream of the sbe1 gene encoding a starch branching enzyme.
The spk gene is specifically expressed in developing seeds and its expression
pattern is very similar to those of genes encoding starch-synthesizing enzymes
such as sbe1 and waxy, seed lipid-synthesizing enzymes, as well as genes
encoding seed storage proteins. A full-length spk cDNA was isolated from a cDNA
library constructed from developing seeds. The deduced amino acid sequence
showed that SPK has a high degree of homology to soybean and carrot Ca(2+)-
dependent protein kinase, both of which contain calmodulin domains. The
calmodulin domain, as well as the catalytic subdomain consensus regions of
protein kinases are highly conserved in SPK. These results suggest that a tissue-
and stage-specific protein kinase, SPK, is involved in the synthesis of seed
storage compounds during seed development. They also strongly suggest that Ca2+
is required for seed development.

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