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E.g., Wessler, regeneration, PubMed ID 17578919.

expand all sections collapse all sections  Reference "Diterpene Cyclases Responsible for the Biosynthesis of Phytoalexins, Momilactones A, B, and Oryzalexins A–F in Rice"
Reference ID 11691
Title Diterpene Cyclases Responsible for the Biosynthesis of Phytoalexins, Momilactones A, B, and Oryzalexins A–F in Rice
Source Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry, 2004, vol. 68, pp. 2001-2006
Authors (12)
Abstract Rice (Oryza sativa L.) produces diterpene phytoalexins, such as momilactones,
oryzalexins, and phytocassanes. Using rice genome information and in vitro assay
with recombinant enzymes, we identified genes (OsKS4 and OsKS10) encoding the
type-A diterpene cyclases 9β-pimara-7,15-diene synthase and ent-
sandaracopimaradiene synthase which are involved in the biosynthesis of
momilactones A, B and oryzalexins A–F respectively. Transcript levels of these
two genes increased remarkably after ultraviolet (UV) treatment, which is
consistent with elevated production of phytoalexins by UV. These two genes might
prove powerful tools for understanding plant defense mechanisms in rice.

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