Editors' Note


The Rice Genetics Newsletter is a publication of the Rice Genetics Cooperative and a channel of communication among rice geneticists. The success of the Cooperative depends upon the cooperation of the members. We request your cooperation particularly in the following matters.

1. Please send us research notes on your new finding in rice genetics for RGN 9, before the end of August 1992. Please follow the style used in RGN

2. Please send us a list of your publications on rice genetics, which are not listed in the previous issues of RGN.

3. Please check your address in the mailing list in RGN 2 and the supplements in RGN 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. If your address is incorrect or you have move to another location, please write to us giving your correct address.

Your comments and suggestion for the improvement of future issues of RGN are most welcome.

Printing costs of RGN 8 were met by the National Institute of Genetics, Japan, for which we are most grateful.

Advices to Contributors of Research Notes

Short articles reporting new findings in rice genetics are invited as research notes. Each note should be in the form of an abstract, typewritten double-spaced throughout on one side of A4 paper. In principle, a note should be within two printed pages. References should be given when citation is made in the text. A few tables and/or figures evidencing the findings reported are welcome, but table should be concise with values given in as few digits as possible. Figures should also be small in size and concisely written. Particular strains used as experimental material should be clearly described. For reporting a new gene, its name, symbol, etc. should be registered and published in the Report of Committee on Gene Symbolization, Nomenclature and Linkage Groups (write to Dr. T. Kinoshita, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060 Japan), and a small bit of seed of the genetic stock carrying the gene should be sent to the Committee on Genetic Stocks (to Dr. N. Iwata, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, 812 Japan, or to Dr. G. S. Khush, IRRI, P. O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines). Recent papers on rice genetics published by the members in languages other than English may be briefly rewritten as research notes. In writing the manuscript, please carefully follow the style we use, by referring to previous issues of RGN. When deemed necessary, manuscripts accepted may be edited with approval of the author (except for minor changes). Manuscripts for the issue of the year should be received by the editor (H. I. Oka, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, 411 Japan, or G. S. Khush, l. c.) by the end of August.

Printed by K. K. BUNKEN-SHA Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Treasurer's Report

The total membership of RGS now stands at 664 (IRRI-285). Many members paid their dues during the year. We request others to update their membership by remitting the dues without delay (US $8,00/annum).

Printing costs of RGN#8 were met by the National Institute of Genetics, Japan, for which we are very grateful. All costs of mailing RGN#8 were met by RGC funds.

RGS's financial statement as of 30 November 1991 is as follows:

Funds held at IRRI
Income              US$            Expenses              US$
B/F from 30.9.90    5,589.82       Mailing RGN           538.75
Membership fees       476.00
Bank interest         209.35       Balance             5,736.42
    Total           6,275.17       Total               6,275.17

Funds held in Japan
Income           Yen       (US$)       Expenses    Yen      (US$)
B/F from 1990    229,029   (1,635.92)  Postage     166,200  (1,187.14)
Membership fees  624,000   (4,457.14)  Meetings    153,000  (1,092.86)
                                       Balance     533,829  (3,813.06)
     Total       853,029   (6,093.06)  Total       853,029  (6,093.06)
RGN copies were sent to members in Japan, China and Korea by the secretary in Japan, Y. Futsuhara, and to members in other countries by the treasurer in IRRI, D. Senadhira; all overseas mails by air. Balances carried over are kept by the two offices separately.