Message from Chairs of the Rice Genetics Cooperative





Dear Readers of the Rice Genetics Newsletter:


We would like to extend our greetings to the rice genetics community on the occasion of the publication of the new volume of Rice Genetics Newsletter as an on-line journal.  We have reached many significant milestones in the last few years.  The most important is the publication of the full genome sequence of rice as a public resource.  This has provided a tremendous opportunity for advancing the science of rice genetics.


In 2005, we held the successful Fifth International Rice Genetics Symposium in Manila, attracting 740 participants from over 40 countries.  At this symposium, many exciting advances achieved in rice genetics were presented.  During the Symposium, the Rice Genetics Cooperative was reconstituted, and its members have agreed to continue to promote the advancement of rice genetics and the exchange of information and resources.  The Rice Genetics Newsletter will continue to serve as an important forum for publication of research findings in rice genetics, and for informing the community about important events.  We commend the editorial committee for their efforts to improve the Newsletter.


We wish all of you a very successful 2006, and we look forward to future collective action for the benefit of rice scientists, farmers and consumers throughout the world.




Dave Mackill and Takuji Sasaki Co-Chairs

Rice Genetics Cooperative