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expand all sections collapse all sections  Oryza sativa QTL "CQI7" (dry mass)
QTL Accession ID CQI7
Species Oryza sativa (Rice) [ GR_tax:013681 ]
Trait Symbol DMASS
Trait Name dry mass
Published Symbol  
Trait Synonym(s)
Trait Category Abiotic stress
Chromosome 6
Comments Dry mass (g) product is the dry weight of the harvested shoot part of plant. Three completely randomized blocks containing all the lines were grown at the same time. The hydroponic culture solution was salinized at 10 days after planting, by slowly adding 5 M NaCl to the header tank of a recirculating pump so that the concentration rose gradually to 50 mM over a period of about 24 h and was maintained for 12 d, after which the concentration was increased to 100 mM for a period of 8 days. The shoots were then harvested, dried, weighed, and extracted in 100 mM acetic acid for 2 h at 90°C. Sodium and potassium were determined in the extract by atomic absorption spectroscopy (Unicam 919, Unicam, Cambridge, UK). QTL analysis was performed using the marker regression approach using the software package QTL Café. Associations between genetic markers and traits were detected by single-marker ANOVA for each trait using GENSTAT (P < 0.005).
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