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E.g., Wessler, regeneration, PubMed ID 17578919.

expand all sections collapse all sections  Reference "Two OsGASR genes, rice GAST homologue genes that are abundant in proliferating tissues, show different expression patterns in developing panicles"
Reference ID 11207
Title Two OsGASR genes, rice GAST homologue genes that are abundant in proliferating tissues, show different expression patterns in developing panicles
Source Genes & genetic systems, 2006, vol. 81, pp. 171-180
Authors (3)
Abstract Two different types of genes for rice GA-stimulated transcript (GAST) homologue
genes, Oryza sativa GA-stimulated transcript-related gene 1 (OsGASR1) and gene 2
(OsGASR2), were found. Both OsGASR proteins contain a cysteine-rich domain
highly conserved among GAST family proteins in their C-terminal regions.
Gibberellin A(3) (GA(3)) stimulated expression of both OsGASRs in the wild-type
Nipponbare and GA(3 )synthesis-deficient mutant. Expression of both OsGASRs
apparently increased when cell proliferation entered the logarithmic phase, and
rapidly reduced when cell proliferation was temporarily halted. RT-PCR analysis
indicated different expression patterns of these genes in developing panicles.
OsGASR1 was limitedly but strongly expressed in florets while OsGASR2 was
expressed in both florets and branches. In situ hybridization showed that they
were strongly expressed in the root apical meristem (RAM) and shoot apical
meristem (SAM), but little signals were detected in mature leaves. Transient
expression of OsGASR-GFP fusion proteins in onion epidermal cells revealed that
both OsGASR proteins localized to the apoplasm or cell wall. These results
suggest that OsGASR1 and OsGASR2 were involved in cell division and might play
diverse roles in differentation of panicles.

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