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E.g., Wessler, regeneration, PubMed ID 17578919.

expand all sections collapse all sections  Reference "Suppression of the heterotrimeric G protein causes abnormal morphology, including dwarfism, in rice"
Reference ID 1029
Title Suppression of the heterotrimeric G protein causes abnormal morphology, including dwarfism, in rice
Source Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1999, vol. 96, pp. 7575-7580
Authors (8)
Abstract Transgenic rice containing an antisense cDNA for the alpha subunit of rice
heterotrimeric G protein produced little or no mRNA for the subunit and
exhibited abnormal morphology, including dwarf traits and the setting of small
seeds. In normal rice, the mRNA for the alpha subunit was abundant in the
internodes and florets, the tissues closely related to abnormality in the dwarf
transformants. The position of the alpha-subunit gene was mapped on rice
chromosome 5 by mapping with the restriction fragment length polymorphism. The
position was closely linked to the locus of a rice dwarf mutant, Daikoku dwarf
(d-1), which is known to exhibit abnormal phenotypes similar to those of the
transformants that suppressed the endogenous mRNA for the alpha subunit by
antisense technology. Analysis of the cDNAs for the alpha subunits of five
alleles of Daikoku dwarf (d-1), ID-1, DK22, DKT-1, DKT-2, and CM1361-1, showed
that these dwarf mutants had mutated in the coding region of the alpha-subunit
gene. These results show that the G protein functions in the formation of normal
internodes and seeds in rice.

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