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E.g., Wessler, regeneration, PubMed ID 17578919.

expand all sections collapse all sections  Reference "Genetic and biochemical characterization of waxy mutants in cereals"
Reference ID 100
Title Genetic and biochemical characterization of waxy mutants in cereals
Source Environmental health perspectives, 1981, vol. 37, pp. 35-41
Author (1) Amano-E
Abstract During fine structure analyses of artificially induced waxy mutants in maize by
use of Nelson's pollen analysis methods, it was noticed that some mutants showed
a phenotype intermediate between waxy and normal nonwaxy. Such intermediate or
leaky waxy mutants were frequent among mutants induced by a chemical mutagen,
EMS. They seemed to be located evenly within the waxy locus. This would suggest
that they might have been missense mutations, which would produce full-sized but
partially inactivated enzymes, rather than deletions or frameshift mutations. To
confirm the intermediate phenotype, a rapid measuring system was developed to
measure waxiness of endosperm quantitatively. It was based on the blue value
method and is applicable to a single grain of rice. Among the 27 waxy mutant
lines of maize, including 11 EMS-induced, two of the EMS-induced mutants were
clearly intermediate. Eighteen EMS induced wx mutants of rice were also
examined, and nine were intermediate.

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