expand all sections collapse all sections  FAQ
toggle section  FAQ
expand all sections collapse all sections  FAQ
toggle section  Gramene Program
toggle section  Data Curation
toggle section  Maps and CMap
toggle section  BLAST
toggle section  Proteins
expand all sections collapse all sections  Proteins
toggle section  Where does Gramene get its protein accessions from?
toggle section  What are some examples of scientific queries that can be answered using the Proteins database?
toggle section  Is there a tutorial or help section on how to use the Proteins database?
toggle section  From which grasses does Gramene have protein sets?
toggle section  Can I search the Proteins database using a protein family (Pfam/Prosite) name or accession number?
toggle section  Where can I find the sequence of a given protein?
toggle section  How can I find out if a given protein is mapped to a gene from the rice genome?
toggle section  Where can I find the germplasm from where the gene encoding a given protein was isolated?
toggle section  Where can I find either the Molecular Function, Biological Process or Cellular Location of a given protein?
toggle section  What are the evidence codes used by Gramene in the Proteins database?
toggle section  Where can I find the experimental evidence that infers a gene ontology association to a protein?
toggle section  Where can I find sequence homologs from other species?
toggle section  How can I find out the protein family (PFam) to which a given protein belongs and also find all the proteins that belong to that family?
toggle section  How can I find the protein domains (Prosite) of a given protein and also find all the proteins that carry that domain?
toggle section  Where can I find the Physio-chemical features of a given protein?
toggle section  Where can I find literature citations describing a given gene or protein?
toggle section  What are the various options for downloading protein data?
toggle section  Ontologies
toggle section  Genomes
toggle section  Markers
toggle section  QTL
toggle section  Genes
toggle section  Literature
toggle section  Diversity
toggle section  GrameneMart
toggle section  Pathways
toggle section  Glossary
toggle section  Help Documents
toggle section  Tutorials and Exercises
toggle section  Gramene Documentation