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Gramene Germplasm Database

E.g., IR 64, IR64, IR-64,

The germplasm database shows basic information about the different markers used for mapping. The exact information displayed depends on the marker type, but all markers will display the marker name, synonyms, source species, and a listing of map positions.

Species name Germplasm Accession Synonyms
Oryza rhizomatis IRGC1005950 IRGC 1005950, IRGC-1005950
Oryza rhizomatis IRGC103410 IRGC 103410, IRGC-103410
Oryza rhizomatis IRGC103417 IRGC 103417, IRGC-103417
Oryza rhizomatis IRGC103421 IRGC 103421, IRGC-103421
Oryza rhizomatis IRGC105448 IRGC 105448, IRGC-105448
Oryza rhizomatis IRGC105950 IRGC 105950, IRGC-105950
Oryza rhizomatis W1805 W1805
Oryza rhizomatis W1808 W1808