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View Marker "RG98"

There is allele data for locus "RG98" from 1 experiment.

Title Design Polymorphism Type Allele Scoring Protocol PI(s) Comments Data
Quantitative trait loci for yield and yield components in an Oryza sativa X Oryza rufipogon BC2F2 population evaluated in an upland environment 274 BC2F2 families from the Caiapo X Oryza rufipogon (IRGC 105491) were phenotyped for 8 traits and genotyped with 125 RFLPs and SSLPs. SSR RFLP Geneotype value 1= Homozygous Caiapo; 3 = Heterozygous Caiapo/O. rufipogon., McCouch-S-R Reference: Moncada et al., 2001. Show Allele Data