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View Marker "PK1K2A2"

There is allele data for locus "PK1K2A2" from 1 experiment.

Title Design Polymorphism Type Allele Scoring Protocol PI(s) Comments Data
Candidate defense genes from rice, barley, and maize and their association with qualitative and quantitative resistance in rice QTL analysis. Testing for assoc. with resistance in rice to blast, bacterial blight, sheath blight, brown plant-hopper with 118 RGA or RFLP markers from rice, barley, maize. Markers placed on 116 DH lines from an IR64 and an Azucena. RFLP MARKER RFLP, General marker which scoring techniques were not clearly mentioned. Leach-J-E, Leung-H Reference: Ramalingam et al.,2003. Show Allele Data