
Gramene database interim build 36b released

The Gramene Team is pleased to announce interim release 36b. In collaboration with the Oryza Genome Evolution (OGE) project, the Human Reactome Project, and Ensembl Plants, we are providing in this release:

* A new platform for comparative analysis of plant metabolic, regulatory and signaling networks known as the Plant Reactome (beta version) and currently prototyped with rice pathways.

1st International Workshop on Semantics for Biodiversity (S4BIODIV) & 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2013)

1st International Workshop on

Semantics for Biodiversity (S4BIODIV)

Held in parallel with

the 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2013)

Montpellier, France, May 26/27, 2013

Barley and Wheat Genomes Sequenced

With 870 million people still hungry (FAOSTAT, 2011), the publication of the most comprehensive analysis to date of two of the most elusive cereal genomes – wheat and barley – opens a realm of possibilities for optimizing the supply of these vital crops.

Maize Metabolic Network Publication

Gramene and MaizeGDB project teams publish work on MaizeCyc, a network of maize metabolic genes and pathways.

Gramene at PAG XXI

Gramene is looking forward to participating at the annual Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) meeting in the Town & Country Hotel of San Diego, CA from January 12-16, 2013.  We invite the community of plant researchers and breeders to learn how to get the most out of our resources by joining our workshop, stopping by the plant bioinformatics outreach booth, attending a talk or one of our posters.

PICARA: In the quest for the wisdom of crowds

The speed, cost, and accessibility of DNA sequencing has been transformed in recent years by new technologies, opening up exciting opportunities for disease diagnosis, therapeutic intervention, and studying complex trait variations. Chief among these are genome wide association studies, frequently referred as GWAS, where researchers look for SNP genetic polymorphisms that give raise to phenotypic variation or are in linkage disequilibrium with the causative genetic variants.

Gramene database build 36 released

The Gramene Team is happy to announce its 36th release.

Visualization & Analyses of the Genomic Data on Gramene’s Ensembl Genome Browsers

Figure 1: Gramene homepage

I.   Introduction to Gramene’s Ensembl Genome Browsers

Gramene docks under for Hurricane Sandy. Now back up and getting ready to release build 36

Last week, Hurricane Sandy battered the mid-Atlantic region causing coastal flooding, knocking down trees and power lines, and literally leaving more than eight million people in the dark, and in some cases a quite cold scene. The main campus of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), home of the servers that support the Gramene website and databases, was no exception. As a preventive measure, Gramene was shut down by 11:00 am EST on Monday, October 29, 2012.

SSRs at Gramene

Questions about simple sequence repeats (SSRs) make up a significant portion of the questions we get. A user just yesterday asked about finding the markers matching a particular repeat motif. While Gramene doesn't have a specific tool for finding this, it's possible to figure it out a number of ways:


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