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Global Wheat Production Map

The graph on the left shows production of the top wheat producing countries in 2005. The map on the right shows all 2005 wheat production records from countries across the globe.

* (data from 16)

For more information on global wheat production, see:
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Joint Agricultural Weather Facility's Major World Crop Areas and Climatic Profiles (maps and statistics)
World Wheat Production, Consumption and Stocks
World Wheat Production from Oklahoma State University

Wheat is a significant global crop because it is adapted to many soil types, has a short growing season, offers good yield, and grows well in fairly dry and mild climates (1, 7, 13), although the higest yielding crops require more optimal growing conditions (12). (see figure 1 for 5-year average yield differences in top-growing countries) Global production has been steadily increasing (Figure 2), but the amount of land used globally to produce that wheat has remained level since 1961 (Figure 3), indicating an increase in yield per hectare.

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Major wheat-producing countries include China, Russia, India, W. Europe, Canada, Argentina, Australia and the United States (7, 12)[and France in 2005 (16)]. Using statistics from these countries (excluding France because it hasn't traditionally been high producing) we can see that these countries are increasingly producing less percentage of the overal world production (see Figure 4, which shows that world growth outpaces the growth of these countries), indicating that other countries are increasing production (such as France).
Figure 4
For more information on trends in wheat, see:
Future Trends in the Global Wheat Market
Links to current reports.
World Wheat production and Consumption tables from CIMMYT.
