IV. Current linkage maps

T. Kinoshita, Convener

Current molecular maps are presented by three groups (Ref. 29, 33, 57, 61, 80, 81) together with the integration of the two molecular maps (Ref. 89). Further conventional markers and biochemical genes are inserted as shown in Table 2.

Comparative mapping has been progressed between rice and maize (Ref. 1) and between rice and wheat by the two collaborative working groups.

Table 2.  Major genes located on the two kinds of molecular maps constructed
bv the two groups RFLP map (Cornell University)
Chromosome   1  d-10, lax, salt, sd-1, Mal-1
             2  Cyc-2, d-5, d-30
             3  Hg, Actin-1
             4  Ph, Pr, Pi-5(t), d-11
             5  xa-5, Lh, gl- 1, ATP
             6  wx, Pi-2(t), Se-1, Cl, PS
             7  Wbp-1, Rc, Acp-4
             8  Pi-zh, fgr
             9  R45s, Cyc-1, Dn-1
            10  pgl, Rf-1
            11  Pi-l(t), Xa-21, Pgd-1. R5s, la, d-27
            12  Lec, Pi-4(t), Brl4, Br26

          Reference:  40, 46, 47, 58, 59, 80, 81, 102, 103
RFLP map (Saito et al.)
Chromosome   1  fs-2, d-18, Pn, rl-2, sd-1, A, lax, sh-2, spl-6, eg, v-6
             2  tri, bl-1, d-30, Lap, spl-2
             3  chl-1, fc-1, dl, spl-3
             4  lg, Ph, Xa-1, Xa-2, d-11
             5  gl-1, xa-5, nl-1
             6  wx, C, Est-1, Pi-zt, alk, Se-1
             7  g-1, Rc, rfs
             8  scl(t)
             9  Dn-1, dp-2, drp-2, Bp, I-Bf, Mall, rDNA-1
            10  pgl, Rf-1, fgl, spl-10, rDNA-2
            11  Xa-3, Xa-4, drp-7(t), la, sp, Adh-1, Xa-10
            12  spl-1, Sdh-1, d-33
 Reference: 8, 14, 15, 29, 30, 44, 45, 51, 53, 71, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101

Fig. 1. Displays current linkage maps. Gene loci detected in rice are listed in Table 3 depending on the current data of linkage relationships. The Kosambi mapping function was used to correct the recombination values between genes. Data on gene tagging to molecular markers were also supplemented.

Table 3. List of marker genes assigned to respective linkage groups
Gene        Name                            Gene  Institution1)   Reference2)  
Group  1

 v-6    virescent-6                          0         KY         29,41

 eg     extra glume                         17         KY         29,31,38

 ga-8   gametophyte gene-8                  17         HK         110

 spl-6  spotted  leaf-6                     24         KY         29,38,40,220

 lax(lx) lax panicle                        30         HK,KY      29,31,38,104

 rl-1   rolled  leaf-1                      42         HK         53,107

 al-4   albino-4                            43         KY         29,35

 ms-18  male sterile-18                     47         KT         182

 d-10(d-15, kikeibanshinriki or toyohikari- 53         KY,HK      29,31,187
 d-16)  bunwai  tillering dwarf

 chl-6  chlorina-6                          65         KY         29,41

 ga-7   gametophyte gene-7                  72         HK         84,90

 sd-1(d-47) dee-geo-woo-gen dwarf           76         NA,HK      2,59,183
                                         2.5cM to                 10:51,86
 A     Anthocyanin activator                83         HK,KY      61,96,104

 Rd    Red pericarp and seed coat           84         HK,KY      104,189

 shr-1 shrunken endosperm-1                 85         KY         93,164,212

 Shp-1 Sheathed panicle-1                   86         HK         53,86

 rl-4(rl-2) rolled  leaf-4                 104         HK         34,36,93

 Pn    Purple node                         114         HK,KY      29,61,104

 d-18(d-25) hosetsu dwarf(d-18h)or kotake- 131         KY,HK      29,36,69,170
            tamanishiki dwarf(d-18k)

 fs-2  fine stripe-2                       149         HK,KY      29,41,188

Unlocated genes

 al-8  albino-8                         11%-d-18       KY         29,35,41

 chl-5 chlorina-5                       13.2%-eg       KY         29,41

 d-26(t) 7237 dwarf                     37%-A          -          15,17

 d-54(d-K-5) dwarf-Kyushu-5             25%-lax        KY         29,41

 d-55(d-K-6) dwarf-Kyushu-6             13%-eg         KY         29,41

 dm-1*  Short calm showing dm type      39%-d-18k      NA         10:57

 Est-5  Esterase-5                      triplo-1       IR         209

 ga-9   gametophyte gene-9              1.3%-d-18      HK         90

 Got-1  Aspartate aminotransferase-1    triplo-1       IR         209

 Icd-1  Isocitrate dehydrogenase-1      triplo-1       IR         209

 I-Ps-b Inhibitor for purple stigma     linked with A  -          16

 lgt    long twisted grain              16%-d-26(t)    -          15

 Mal-1  Malete dehydrogenase-1          linked with    IR         8:6,36
                                        RG173                     10:81

 mp-1   multiple pistil-1               triplo-1       IR         83

 Prp-a(Pp) Purple pericarp              7.2%-A         HK         18,140

 salT*  salt tolerance                  near CDO548    -          10:3,81

 sh-2   shattering-2                    11%-sd-1       TS          116

 Srp(t)* Protein linked with sd-1       16%-sd-1       NA         8:71,72

 Tos-1*  Retrotransposon                26%-sd-I       NA         10:6,11

 ts-a    twisted stem                   23%-A          -          15

Group 2

 d-29(d-K-1) short uppermost internode     0           KY,HK      34,36,47,48

 tri     triangular hull                 12            KY,HK      32,36,47

 bc-3    brittle culm-3                  25            KY         34,47

 bl-1    brown leaf spot-1               34            HK,KY      47,48,104

 chl-10  chlorine-10                     55            KY         47,48

 d-5     bunketsu-waito tillering dwarf  60            HK         104

 gh-3    gold hull and internode-3       70            KY         30,34,47

 d-32(d-12, dwarf Kyushu-4              120            KY         30,47,48

 d-30(d-W) waisei-shirasasa dwarf       139            KY,HK      32,47,48

 gh-2      gold hull and internode-2    181            KY,HK      32,38,47

 spl-2(bl-3) spotted leaf-2             201            KY         38,47,48,
                                    9.2cM-XNpb349                   10:14

Unlocated genes

 ae(t)*  amylose extender            triplo-2          IR         10:26

 Amp-1   Aminopeptidase-1            triplo-2          IR         209

 cyc2*   cyclophilin                 near RZ957        -          10:81

 Ef-x*   Earliness                   18%-TR2-9         RY         8:101,10:69

 Got-3   Asparate aminotransferase-3 triplo-2          IR         137,8:6,106

 ms-17   male sterile-17             35%-gh-2          IR         74,75

 Pi-b(Pi-s) Pyricularia oryzae resistance-b 5.84-TR2-10 NA        72,174
                                     near XNpb257                 10:71

Group 3

 chl-1   chlorina-1                      6             KY         32,34,133

 Gdh-1   Glutamate dehydrogenase-1       4             GI         26,100,10:21

 Nal-6(t) Narrow leaf-6                  4             KY         46

 chl-3   chlorina-3                     20             KY         133

 Est-1   Esterase-1                     24             NA,IR     10,109,112,137

 Pgi-1   Phosphoglucose isomerase-1     28             TR,GI      26,139,8:37

 fc-1    fine culm-1                    42             KY         30,34,133

 Mi      Minute grain                   60             HK         190,193,8:130

 v-1(t)  virescent-1                    61             KY         34,133

 bc-1    brittle culm-1                 80             HK,KY      104

 ms-7    male sterile-7                 80             KT         74,75

 Lk-f    'Fusayoshi'  long grain       101             HK,OK      190,193,196

 chl-2   chlorina-2                    111             KY         36,40,133

 v-2     virescent-2                   111             KY         36,42,133

 An-3    Awn-3                         112             HK         104,152,8:130

 al-10   albino-10                     115             KY         42,46

 st-6(t) stripe-6                      122             HK         10:42

 d-56(d-K-7) dwarf Kyushu-7            131             KY         42,46

 lhs-1    leafy hull sterile-1         137.5           KY,IR      14,55,56,67

 dl(lop)  drooping leaf                138             KY,HK      32,38,97

 drp-4    dripping-wet leaf-14         145             KY         42,46

 spl-3(bl-14) spotted leaf-3           155             KY         34,38,46

 drp-3    dripping-wet leaf-3          155             KY         42,43,46

 z-3      zebra-3                      155             KY         40,42,46

 d-52(d-K-2) dwarf Kyushu-2            155             KY         39,40,42,46

 Hg       Hairy glume                  159             HK       56,104,105,8:59

 d-20     hayayuki dwarf               188             HK        56,58,69,8:130

Unlocated genes

 Actin-1* Actin-1                   near CDO337        -         10:81

 bl-4     brown leaf spot-4         29%-bc-1           HK        188

 d-14(d-10) kamikawa-bunwai tillering dwarf 32%-dl     HK        187

 ga-2     gametophyte gene-2        11%-dl             NA,KY     108,114

 ga-3     gametophyte gene-3        34%-dl             NA,KY     108,114

 Pox-3    Peroxidase-3              5%-Pox-4           IR        137

 Pox-4    Peroxidase-4              31%-Est-1          IR        137

 rl-5(rl-3) rolled leaf-5           13%-chl-1          KY        42

 s-e-1    hybrid sterility-e        16%-bc-1           GI        127

 Shp-4(Gb) Sheathed panicle-3       27%-bc-1           HK        13

 st-3(stl) stripe-3                 1.1%-bc-1          KY        42

 v-5      virescent-5               2.0%-chl-1         KY        133

 v-7      virescent-7               1.7%-bc-1          KY        42
Group  4

 d-2      ebisu dwarf                 0                HK,KY     104

 d-3      bunketsu-waito tillering dwarf 28            HK        104

 st-5     stripe-5                    31               HK         88

 Pl       purple leaf                 69               HK,KY     61,62,104,106

 Prp-b(Pb) Purple pericarp            69               -         18,140

 Pi(t)   Pyricularia oryzae resistance  74             -         17

 flo-3(t) floury endosperm-3          91               HK        85

 lg      liguleless                  101               HK,KY     104

 ga-6    gmetophyte gene-6           105               HK        84,91

 sL-4(ws-2) stripe-4                 106               HK        84

 d-42    liguleless dwarf            111               HK        19,63

 Spr-3(t) Spreading panicle-3        114               GI        149,8:17

 Sh-3    Shattering-3                116               GI        149,8:17

 Ph=Bh-c(Po) Phenol staining         122               HK,KY,GI  81,84,104

 Xa-1(Xe) Xanthcmonas campestris pv. 128               NA        118,145,210,
          oryzae   resistance-1      3.3cM-XNpb235               211:10:99,100

 Xa-12(xa-kg) Xanthomonas campestris pv. 130           NA        118,210,211
              oryzae resistance-12

 Xa-2     Xanthomnas campestris pv.  132               NA        5,145
          oryzae resistance-2

 nal-4(nal) narrow leaf-4            133               -         216

 d-31     taichung-155 irradiated dwarf 140            -         216

 Pr       Purple hull                146               HK,KY     61,104

 Ps-2     Purple stigma-2            150               GI        15,16,129

 rcn-2    reduced culm number-2      166               HK        194

 drp-5(t) dripping wet leaf-5        170               KY        166,168

 d-11(d-8) shinkane-aikoku or norin-28 170             KY,HK     32,104

 lk-i      'IRAT 13' long grain      180               HK        66,192

Unlocated genes

 al-5      albino-5                34%-lg              KY        35

 al-7      albino-7                31%-lg              KY        35

 An-1      Awn-1                   5.4%-d-11           HK        104

 aul       auricleless             triplo-4            IR        83

 Bph-1     Brown planthopper resistance-1 triplo-4     NA,IR     20,21,177

 bph-2     brown planthopper resistance-2 39%-d-2      NA,IR     20,21,177
                                          near Bph-1

 drp-1     dripping-wet leaf-1            39%-d-2      HK        107

 drp-8(t)  dripping-wet leaf-8     28%-lg              KY        168

 esp-7*    endosperm protein-7     trisomic-4          KY        10:72

 Est-1     Esterase-1              Linked with Ph      NA        10,109,112,
                                                                 137,10: 87

 flo(t)*   floury endosperm        triplo-4            IR        10:26

 ga-10(t)  gametophyte gene-10     27%-lg              HK        64

 ga-12     gametophyte gene-12     2.1%-shp-5(t)       HK        10:41

 nal-1     narrow leaf-1           25%-d-2             NA,HK     97

 nal-5(nal-1) narrow leaf-5        9.5%-lg             KY        30,34

 P         Purple apiculus         2.7%-Pl             HK        61,96,104

 Pi-5(t)   Pyricularia oryzae resistance-5 near RG788  IR        10:88

 Pin-1     Purple internode-1      31%-Pl              HK        99

 Ps-1      Purple stigma-1         linked to Ph        GI        16,129,186

 rk-1      round kernel-1          35%-lg              KY,HK     33,34,36

 rl-2      rolled leaf-2           35%-d-2             HK        97

 s-c-2     hybrid sterility-c      31%-Ph              GI        126

 s-e-2     hybrid sterility-e      15%-lg              GI        127

 Sc-1      Sclerotium oryzae resistance 26%-lg         NA        12

 shp-5(t)  sheathed panicle-5      near d-2            HK        10:.41

 S-9       Hybrid sterility-9      19%-Est-1           CB        10:87

 spr-l     spreading panicle-1     27%-Pl              HK        65

 Wh        White hull              8.0%-lg             HK        51,104

 Xa-14     Xanthomonas campestris pv                   NA        198
           oryzae  resistance-14

 ylm       yellow leaf margin      10%-lg              KY        34,36

 z-5       zebra-5                 11%-lg              HK        64

Group 5

 gh-1      gold hull and internode-I  0                HK,KY     46,103,104

 nl-2      neck leaf-2                6                KY        34,45

 d-1       daikoku dwarf             30                HK,KY     45,104

 st-2(gw)  stripe-2                  49                HK        104

 al-3      albino-3                  51                KY        35,45

 spl-8(bl-8) spotted leaf-8          51                KY        38,45

 al-6(t)   albino-6                  56                KY        35

 flo-1     floury endosperm-1        63                KY        165,8:105

 ops       open hull sterile         69                KY        31,36,45

 v-10(t)   virescent-10              77                KY        167,8:105

 bgl       bright green leaf         82                KY        36,43,45

 ri        verticillate rachis       85                HK,KY     31,45,104

 spl-7     spotted leaf-7           100                KY        38,40,45,

 nl-1      neck leaf-1              110                HK,KY   45,104,157,10:97

 al-2      albino-2                 111                KY        35,38,45

Unlocated genes

 An-2      Awn-2                    33%-gl-1           HK       104,153

 ATP*      ATPase                   near RG697         -        10:81

 bd-1      beaked lemma             22%-gl-1           -        95,153

 er(o)     erect growth habit       38%-gh-1           HK       188

 eui       elongated uppermost internode 27%-nl-1      HK       83,89,92,142

 gl-1      glabrous leaf and hull  12%-TR1-5d          HK,KY    36,104,157
                                   10.5cM-XNpb396               10:97

 Glh-6     Green leafhopper resistance-6 tripro-5      IR       201

 I-Pl-1    Inhibitor for purple leaf-1 31%-gh-1        HK       104

 M-Pox-1   Modifier for Pox-1        near gl-1         CH       134,135

 Mdh-3     Malate dehydrogenase-3    MAAL 5            IR       141,10:28

 ms-14     male sterile-14           11%-nl-1          KT       73,74

 Pox-1     Peroxidase-1              38%-nl-1          CH       135

 sd-7(t)   semidwarf-7               O%-d-1            CH       10:84

 Shp-3(Ga) Sheathed panicle-3        37%-nl-1          -        13

 xa-5      Xanthomonas campestris pv trisomic-5        IR       136,179,221
           oryzae resistance-5       near gl-1,        IR       10:47,97
                                     RG207 and XNpb396

 xa-13     Xanthomonas campestris pv 9.7%-xa-5         IR       121,144,10:48
             oryzae resistace-13

 ylb       yellow banded leaf blade  32%-nl-1          -        16

Group 6

 d-4       bunketsu-waito tillering dwarf  0           HK       104

 I-Pl-4    Inhibitor for purple pericarp   9           HK       66,106

 wx(am)    glutinous endosperm            22           HK,KY    104,147,162

 dp-1      depressed palea-1              24           HK,KY    32,102

 ms-1      male sterile-1                 27           -        11

 En-Se-1   Enhancer for photosensitivity  28           GI       8:100,10:65,67

 Pgd-2     Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase-2 29         GI       23,100,8:37,106

 v-3       virescent-3                    30           KY       133

 ga-1      gametophyte gene-1             36           KY       37

 Lcr       Low crossability               41           GI       10:64,65,66

 C         Chromogen for anthocyanin      44           HK       61,96,104

 S-5       hybrid sterility-5             48           NA       22

 Amp-3(Amp-1) Aminopeptidase-3            52           GI       137,151

 Est-2     Esterase-2                     53           NA       109,111,113,137

 bl-3      brown leaf spot-3              54           HK       188

 alk       alkali degeneration            55           KY,NA    76

 st-1(ws)  stripe-1                       64           KY,HK    102

 Se-1(Lf,Lm,Rs) Photosensitivity-1        66           NA       76,217,218,219
                                       4.7cM-XNpb294            8:83,10:53

 Pgi-2     Phosphoglucose isomerase-2     66           GI       137,151,8:83

 Pi-z[Pi-2t)] Pyricularia oryzae resistance-z 68       NA       9,70,72,174
                                        2.9cM-XNpb294           8:83,157,
                                        2.8%-RG64               10:7,71 39

 S-6       Hybrid sterility-6             73           GI       148

 d-9       Chinese dwarf                  75           HK       66

 rcn-1     reduced culm number-1          76           HK       191

 gf        gold furrows of hull           79           HK       52

 chl-4     chlorina-4                     81           KY       36,133

 bl-2(bl-m) brown leaf spot-2             82           HK       51,107

 fs-1(fs)  fine stripe-1                  94           HK       68,104

 Cl        Clustered spikelets            95           HK       51,104

 ms-9      male sterile-9                 99           KT       74,155

 Ur-1(Ur)  undulated rachis-1             124          HK       104

Unlocated genes

 al-1      albino-1                     7.1%-wx        KY       35

 al-9(t)   albino-9                   trisomic-6       KY       43

 aph       apiculus hairs             linked with      GI       160,161
                                      Est-2 and Pgi-2

 bc-4      brittle culm-4              triplo-6        IR       83

 Cat-1     Catalase-1                 22%-Pox-5        IR,GI    26,209

 chl-7(t)  chlorina-7                 27%-Pi-z         NA       83,131
                                      13%-Pgi-2                 10:62

 d-21      aomorimochi-14  dwarf      8.3%-wx          HK       69

 d-58(t)   small grained dwarf        20%-Hl-a         HK       128,10:74

 drp-6(t)  dripping-wet leaf-6        15%-fc-2(t)      KY       166,168

 du(t)*    dull endosperm,2035         triplo-6        IR       10:26

 du(t)*    dull  endosperm,EM47        triplo-6        IR       10:26

 dw-1(fh)  deep water tolerance       30%-Se-1         NY       50,138

 Enp-1     Endopeptidase-1            2.2%-Cat-1       IR       137

 fc-2(t)   fine culm-2                18%-C            KY       166,168

 ga-4(ga-A) gametophyte gene-4        34%-wx           HK,KY    98,115

 ga-5(ga-B) gametophyte gene-5        27%-wx           HK       98

 Got-2    Aspartate aminotranspherase-2 31%-Pgi-2      GI,IR    137

 Hl-a     Hairy leaf                  21%-fs-1         HK       104,105

 I-Pl-2   Inhibitor for purple leaf-2 10%-I-Pl-4       HK       66,106

 mp-2     multiple pistil-2           triplo-6         IR       83

 Pgd-2    Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase-2 Maal 6      IR,GI    23,8:37,106
                                                                10: 28

 Pox-5    Peroxidase-5                39%-Pgi-2        IR,GI    209

 Ps(t)*   Photoperiod sensitivity     23%-Pgi-2        IR       8:95,10:.40

 S-1      Hybrid sterility-1          near C           GI       150

 s-a-1(s\1\,x\1\) hybrid sterility-a  21%-wx           GI       125,127
 s-c-1    hybrid sterility-c          8.6%-C           GI       126

 s-d-1    hybrid sterility-d          33%-wx           GI       127

 S-A-1(A-1) Hybrid steriliLy-A        9.5%-C           GI       130

 S-B-2(B-2) Hybrid sterility-B        28%-w            GI       128,130

 S-8      Hybrid sterility-8          11%-Cat-1        CB       10:91

 S-10     Hybrid sterility-10/gamete eliminator 0.15%-wx GI     10:68

 spl-4(bl-15) spotted leaf-4          2.5%-dp-1        KY       34,36,39

 Se-5(t)  Photosensitivity-5          27%-Pi-zt        NA       10:95

 Stv-a(St) Stripe disease resistance-a 38%-wx          NA       207,208

 Un-a     Uneven grain                22%-Cl-a         -        200

 v-1      virescent-1                 25%-C            HK       49,50,104

 zn       zebra necrosis              20%-C            HK       64

Group 7

 d-6      ebisumochi or tankanshirasasa dwarf 0        HK,KY    104

 g-1      long sterile lemmas-1         6              HK,KY    104,10:14

 spl-5(bl-6) spotted leaf-5            31              KY       34,38

 Rc       Brown pericarp and seed coat 44              KY,KY    104,189

 v-11(t)  virescent-11                 45              KY       167

 z-6      zebra-6                      47              HK       87

 rfs      rolled fine striped leaf     58              HK,KY    36,43

 slg(t)*  slender glume                64              KT       10:31

 ge       giant embryo                 79              KY,HK   36,164,213,8:105

  esp-1(rsp-1) endosperm storage protein-1 88          KY       78,79,80,163

Unlocated       genes

 alpha-Amy-1(t) alpha-amylase isozyme-1 trisomic-7     KY       175

 Acp-4    Acid phosphatase-4       near RZ387          IR       10,10:81

 d-7      heiei-daikoku or cleistogamous dwarf 39%-d-6 HK       104

 E-1(=m-Ef-1+) Earliness          trisomic-7           KT,CH    324,325,8:80,81
                                    23%-Rc                      82,10: 54

 d-60     dwarf (Hokuriku 100)    trisomic-7           KT       8:134,137

 Est-7    Esterase-7               24%-Acp-4           IR       10,10:81

 Est-9(Est-cl) Esterase-9          triplo-7            GI,IR    137,139,151,
                                   0.4%-Rc                      8:55

 ga-11    gametophyte gene-11      23%-Est-9           CB       10:35

 lp-1     long palea-1             12%-Un-b            -        199,200

 ms-8     male sterile-8           20%-rfs             KT       74,75

 rl-6(t)  rolled leaf-6            12%-lp-1            -        199

 S-7      hybrid sterility-7       9%-Rc               CB       10:90,91

 se-2     photosensitivity-2       23%-g-1             -        223

 Un-b     Uneven grain             18%-g-1             -        200

 Wbp-1 White-backed planthopper resistance-1 near RG146B IR     8:2,114,10:81

Group 8

 sug(su)  sugary endosperm            0                KY       28,58,164,165

 v-8      virescent-8               115                KY       36,44,58

Unlocated genes

 Amp-2    Aminopeptidase-2      trisomic-8             GI,IR    24,26,137,209

 Amp-4    Aminopeptidase-4        triplo-8             IR       209

 An-4(t)  Awn-4                    5.0%-TR7-8b         RY       156

 chl-8    chlorina-8              triplo-8             IR       54

 chl-9    chlorina-9              triplo-8             IR       54

 d-51(d-K-8) dwarf Kyushu-8      trisomic-8            KY       36,44

 fgr*     fragrance             near RG28              IR       10:81

 shr-2    shrunken endosperm-2  trisomic-8             KY       94,162,212

 scl(t)*  scented leaf         6.7%-XNpb126            NA       8:153,10:93

 Stv-b(St-2) Stripe disease resistance-b linked with   IR       7:207,208
                                         TR1-8                  8:147

 Pi-zh*   Pyricularia oryzae resistance near RZ617     IR       10:81

 ur-2     undulate rachis-2     trisomic-8             KY       36,44

 z-4      zebra-4               trisomic-8             KY       36,44

Group 9

 Dn-1     Dense panicle-1           0                  HK,KY    31,104

 drp-2    dripping-wet leaf-2      14                  KY       31,166

 dp-2     depressed palea-2        14                  HK,KY    31,97

 gm(pd,sgm) gall midge resistance   0                           154,169

 I-Bf     Inhibitor for brown furrows 52               HK,KY    36,103,104,154,
                                   11cM-XNpb36                  10:14

 lam(t)   low amylose endosperm       52               HK       60

Unlocated genes

 Bp       Burlush-like panicle     trisomic-9          KY       33,36

 chs-1(t)* chlorosis caused by low 27%-dp-2            KY       8:14
           temperature (17 deg C)

 cyc1*    cycliphilin              near RZ404                   10:81

 du(t)*   dull endosperm,2120      triplo-9            IR       10:26

 d-57(d(x)) dwarf                  21%-Dn-1                     17,215

 Est-3    Esterase-3               16%-XNpb257         NA       109,112,137,

 Man      Mannan in endosperm cell wall 4.3%-XNpb293   NA       10:94

 ms-10    male sterile-10          5%-Dn-1             KT       73,74

 rDNA-1(=R45s*?) ribosomal DNA-1  1.0cM-XNpb3l5        NA       10:44,45,81

Group 10

 pgl      pale green leaf             0                KY       33,172,220
                                 3.5cM-XNpb36                   10:14

 Rf-1     Pollen fertility restoration-1 12            RY,HK,NA 36,171,172,173
                                     7.5cM-XNpb291              10:8

 fgl(fl)  faded green leaf           12.5              KY       33,172,220

 Ef-1(=Ef-2) Earliness-1             28.5              RY,CH    158,159,203,

Unlocated genes

 Bph-3    Brown planthopper resistance-3 trisomic-10   NA,IR    20,82,177

 bph-4    brown planthopper resistance-4 30%-rk-2      -        178
                                         near Bph-3

 du-1     dull endosperm-1        trisomic-10          KY       36,132,164,214

 Glh-3    Green leafhopper resistance-3 34%-bph-4      IR       3,178,181

 rDNA-2*  ribosomal DNA-2         0-11cM-XNpb32        NA       10:44,45

 rk-2     round kernel-2          2.5%-TR10-11         KY       36,220

 spl-10   spotted leaf-10         10.9cm-xNpb127       KY       10:14

 ygl      yellow green leaf        triplo-10           IR       83

Group 11

 Pi-k     Pyricularia oryzae resistance-k 0            NA       9,72,174

 d-27(d-t) bunketsulo tillering dwarf    32            KY,HK    34,39

 z-2      zebra-2                        37            KY       34,39

 drp-7(t) dripping-wet leaf-7            55            KY       166,168

 la       lazy growth habit              60            HK,KY    39,104

 v-4      virescent-4                    71            KY       39,40,133

 Pgd-1    Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase-1 76          GI,IR    25,26,137,209

 d-28(d-C) chokeidaikoku or long stemmed dwarf 86      KY       39

 sp       short panicle                  94            KY,HK    32,34,39

 Adh-1    Alcohol dehydrogenase-1        95            IR       23,26,139

 Pi-a     Pyricularia oryzae resistance-a 96           NA       9,72,174

 sh-1     shattering-1                   99            HK       104

 v-9(t)   virescent-9                   109            KY       167

 esp-2(rsp-2) endosperm storage protein-2 115          KY       79,80,163

 z-1      zebra-1                       123            KY       33,34,36

 D-53(D-K-3) Dwarf Kyushu-3             132            KY       36,39,40

Unlocated genes

 esp-3(rsp-3) endosperm storage protein-3 trisomic-11  KY       77,78

 Fdp-1    Fructose-1,6-diphosphatase-1 triplo-11       IR       141,8:6

 gal(lt)  gametic letal                24%-la          KT       8:134,137

 M-Pi-z   Modifier for Pi-z            11%-la          YA       7

 nal-2    narrow leaf-2                36%-la          HK       97

 Pi-f     Pyricularia oryzae resistance-f 15%-Pi-k     NA       174,202,224

 Pi-se-1(Rb-1) Pyricularia oryzae resistance-se  9.5%-la YA     6,8

 Pi-is-1(Rb-4)  Pyricularia oryzae resistance-is 23%-la  YA     6

 pi-l(t)* Pyricularia oryzae resistance-1 4.7%-Pi-k    IR       8:157
                                          14cM-RZ536            10:81,39

 R5s*     5s ribosomal DNA            near RG167X       -       10:81

 S-3      Hybrid sterility-3            1%-la          IR       146

 Xa-3(Xa-w, Xanthomonas campestris pv.  22%-d-27       IR       118,119,120,122
 Xa-4bXa-6                            2.3cM-XNpb181           123,180,8:76
 Xa-9)                                                          10:98,100,101

 Xa-4(Xa-4a) Xanthomonas campestris pv. near Xa-3    IR       124,136,185,
               oryzae resistance-4      1.7cM-XNpb78            10:98,100,101

 Xa-10   Xanthomonas campestris pv.     27%-Xa-4                222,10:101
         oryzae resistance              5.3cM-Oo/2000

 Xa-21(t) Xanthomonas campestris pv.     6.9%-z-2                8:45,
          oryzae resistance-21           near RAPD248            10:17,58,59

Group 12

 Acp-1   Acid phosphatase-1                0           IR,GI     10,23,27,209

 Acp-2   Acid phosphatase-2                0           IR,GI     10,26,137,209

 Pox-2   Peroxidase-2                     26           GI        10,23,26,27,

 nal-3(nal-2) narrow leaf-3               29           KY,HK     33,36,100,220

 d-33(d-B) bonsaito dwarf                 34           KY        33,36,100

 rl-3(rl-1) rolled leaf-3                 36           KY,IR     33,58,100,220

 spl-1(bl-12) spotted leaf-1              45           KY        33,38,58,220

 Sdh-1   Shikimate dehydrogenase-1        49           IR        10,26,137,139

Unlocated genes

 BR14*   Pyricularia oryzae resistance  near RG9       IR        10:81

 BR26*   Pyricularia oryzae resistance  near RG9       IR        10:81

 du-4    dull endosperm-4             trisomic-12      KY        162,214

 Lec*    Lectin                       near RG190       IR        10:81

 Pi-ta[=pi-4(t)*] pyricularia oryzae resistance-ta 5.0%-spl-1 NA,IR 71,72,174,8:
                                                   15.3cM-Rg869     157,10:39,88

     1) institution code nmber is listed in RGN 2:page 20, RGN 3:22, RGN 4:56
        and RGN 6:31, resoctively. CB: Faculty of Agriculture, Chiba
        University, Matsudo, 648, Chiba, 271 Japan is supplemented.

     2) Most of the references are shown in RGN vol.7: pages 35-50 and others
        are detected in literatures on genic analysis in vol.8 and 10.

     3) * Gene symbols are not registered.