12. Genic analysis for a small grain mutant induced from cultivar "Kitaake"


Plant Breeding, Institute, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060 Japan

Various kinds of mutants have been induced by gamma irradiation of anther culture of Kitaake (Kinoshita et al. 1989; Takamure and Kinoshita 1993). A small grain mutant (AT-130) was found in the progeny of a doubled haploid after a chronic irradiation of anther calli with an exposure dose of 194Gy. AT-130 had small grains, late heading and low seed fertility and bred true.

The F`1` and F`3` populations from AT-13OxKitaake indicated that a single recessive gene designated as mi-k was responsible for the small grain (Fig. 1). Comparison of grain size among different genotypes showed that the gene action to decrease spikelet length and width was prominent (Table 1). The allelism test

Fig. 1. Frequency distributions of spikelet length and spikelet width in F`2` population of AT-13OxKitaake.

Table 1.  Mean spikelet length and width in the three F2 genotypes of
Genotype     No. of F`3` lines           Length (mm)           Width (mm)
+     +            26                    5.74 (100)%           3.75 (100)%
+    mi-k          40                    5.66 (99)             3.73 (99)
mi-k mi-k          15                    5.14 (90)             3.04 (81)
      Total        81
Goodness of fit; Chi2 (1:2:1)=3.00, d.f.=2, 0.20<p<0.30.
Table 2.  Comparison of eight characters between Kitaake and AT-130 grown
          under four kinds of conditions
Cultivation             _______________________________________________________
                        CL    PL    PN     NS     SF      SL      sw      HP
Paddy field   Kitaake   50.8  14.8  19.8   91.8   46.2    5.98    3.58    95.9
              AT-130    44.6* 12.0* 13.0** 77.7*   0       -       -     124.2*
                        (88%) (81)  (66)   (85)   (-)     (-)     (-)    (126)
Plastic house Kitaake   49.5  12.4  11.3   43.9   85.7    5.82    3.53    74.1
              AT-130    46.8  11.9  16.6   45.5   28.5    4.70    2.93** 109.5
                        (95%) (96)  (147)  (104)  (33)    (81)    (83)   (148)
Growth chamber Kitaake  50.3  12.6  11.0   45.2   88.5    5.82    3.41    82.2
20 deg C      AT-130    44.3*  9.6* 16.0** 46.2    7.3**  4.50**  2.84   120.2
                        (88%) (76)  (145)  (102)  (8)     (77)    (83)   (146)
Growth chamber Kitaake  63.9  13.8   8.7   57.3   96.0    5.86    3.54    69.8
28 deg C      AT-130    52.2* 10.4** 9.2   56.7   74.4    4.62    2.71    84.8*
                        (82%) (75)  (106)  (99)   (78)    (79)    (77)   (121)
1) CL: Culm length (cm), PL: Panicle length (cm), PN: Panicle number, NS:
Number of spikelets per panicle, SF: Seed fertility (%), SL: Spikelet length
(mm), SW: Spikelet width (mm), HP: Heading period (days).
*,**: Difference from Kitaake significant at 5% and 1% levels, respectively.
between AT-130 and H-343 (Mi) indicated that the mi-k locus was different from Mi located on chromosome 3.

Character expression was examined in both AT-130 and the original line, Kitaake under the conditions of paddy field, plastic house and growth chamber kept at 20 deg C and 28 deg C in 1993 (Table 2). In paddy field, Kitaake showed semi-sterility due to low temperatures, while AT-130 showed complete sterility. Since the seed fertility of AT-130 was nearly normal at 28 deg C, its sterility was due to low temperature conditions, and its late heading increased sterility in the paddy field.


Kinoshita, T., K. Mori and I. Takamure, 1989. Mutagenesis by means of anther culture combined with gamma irradiation. RGN 6: 139-141.

Takamure, I. and T. Kinoshita, 1993. Inheritance of six kinds of mutants induced by gamma-ray irradiations to anther culture of rice. Mem. Fac. Agr. Hokkaido Univ. 18: 437-446. (in Japanese with English summary)