24. Preliminary study on genetic diversity of indica rice varieties grown in China

Jie-Yun ZHUANG, Hui-Rong QIAN, Jun Lu, Hong-Xuan LIN and Kang-Le ZHENG

Biotechonology Department, China National Rice Research Institute (CNRRI), Hangzhou, 310006 China

Extensive cultivation of improved semidwarf varieties has increased rice production dramatically. However, a majority of rice varieties grown in China are genealogically (in pedigree) related to a small number of primary parents. For example, most of early and middle season indica varieties can be traced back to Nan-te-hao (including its derivatives, Ai-jiao-nan-te, Lu-cai-hao and Lian-tang-zao), Ai-zi-zhan, Di-jiao-wu-jian, and Sheng-li-xian. The semidwarfism of almost all indica varieties is controlled by gene sd-1 (Lin and Min 1991). The narrowed genetic basis may lead to genetic vulnerability, although the extent of relatedness of the varieties remains unknown.

Table 1.  A list of tested rice varieties
No.   Variety          Combination                             Yeara    Origin
1    Nan-te-hao       From Po-yang-zao                           1934  Jiangxi
2    Lu-cai-hao       From Nan-te-hao                            1948  Fujian
3    Lian-tang-zao    Gan-nong 3425/Nan-te-hao                   1954  Iiangxi
4    Ai-jiao-nan-te   From Nan-te-hao                            1956 Guangdong
5    Ai-zi-zhan       Landrace                                      -  Guangxi
6    Di-jiao-wu-jian  Landrace                                      -  Taiwan
7    Xian-feng I      Guang-chang-ai 6/Lu-cai-hao                1969  Zhejiang
8    Guang-lu-ai   4  Guang-chang-ai 3784/Lu-cai-hao             1967 Guangdong
9    Nanjing 11       Nanjing 6/Et-jiu-ai 4                      1967  Jiangsu
10   Zhen-long  13    Zhen-shan 96/Long-fei 313                  1970  Zhejiang
11   Gui-chao 2       Gui-yang-ai 49/Chao-yang-zao 18            1976 Guangdong
12   Shuang-gui 1     Gui-yang-ai C17/Gui-chao 2                 1979 Guangdong
13   Zhe-fu 802       Radiation mutant of Si-mei 2               1980  Zhejiang
14   Zhu-ke 2         Zhu-lian-ai/Ke-ai 13                       1975  Zhcjiang
15   Zhong 83-49      Si-fcng 43/Zhu-ke 2                        1982  Zhejiang
16   Lu-hong-zao I    1277/Hong 410                              1983  Sichuan
17   Te-qitig         Te-ai/Ye-qing-lun                          1984 Guangdong
18   Min-ke-zao I     From 78130                                 1985  Fujian
19   Zhong 156        Zhe-fu 802/Xiang-zao-xian 2                1986  Zhejiang
20   Zhong 86-44      Zhe-fu 802/Guang-lu-ai 4//HA79317-7        1984  Zhejiang
21   Ai-mei-zao 3     (Ai-qing 569/Hong-mei-xuan)F`4`/Gui-chao 2 1979 Guangdong
22   Gu-mei 2                                                          Fujian
23   IR30                                                           Phillipines
24   Tetep                                                             Vietnam
25   Hong-jiao-zhan                                                    Guangxi
a. The year when the variety was developed.
In the present study, RFLPs were analyzed for 25 early and mid-season indica varieties using 50 DNA probes. As listed in Table 1, the varieties tested include six primary parents (1-6), 15 commercial varieties (7-21) and four donor parents for blast resistance (22-25). The seeds of these varieties were provided by Genetics and Breeding Department and Germplasm Department, CNRRI, Hangzhou. DNA clones were obtained from Dr. Tanksley's laboratory, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

Fig. 1. A dendrogram of 25 Indica rice varieties.

After treatment with endonuclease EcoRI, 26 probes distributed over all 12 chromosomes showed polymorphism among the varieties tested. All the varieties could be distinguished from one another. A total of 73 polymorphic fragments were detected among 101 hybridization fragments.

The proportion of DNA fragments shared between varieties was calculated and a dendrogram showing mutual similarity of the 25 varieties was constructed by using Nei's formula (1987). The result is presented in Fig. 1. The rice varieties tested were clustered into two groups excluding IR30 and Ai-mei-zhao 3.

The six primary parents showed a high degree of similarity with each other (Table 2) and with most of commercial varieties, suggesting that the genetic uniformity of improved varieties is largely due to the narrow background of their primary parents.

Table 2.  Proportions of shared DNA fragments between 6 primary parents of
          early and middle season indica rice varieties (%)
Variety No*     1     2     3     4     5
2             93.7
3             82.3  87.1
4             94.4  99.2  87.8
5             84.8  88.0  81.3  87.1
6             94.6  96.1  83.5  95.3  89.1
See Table 1 for varietal names.
On the other hand, all the donor parents for blast resistance as well as the blast resistant varieties Ai-mei-zhao 3 and Min-ke-zao 1 appeared to be more diversified than other varieties. This suggests that genetic uniformity may affect the extent and durability of blast resistance.


Lin, S. C. and S. K. Min, 1991. Rice varieties in China and their genealogy. Shanghai Science and Technology Press, Shanghai. (in Chinese)

Nei, M., 1987. Molecular Evolutionary Genetics. Columbia Univ. Press, New York.